About HomesteadPestManagement

Homestead Pest Management – Your Best West TN Pest Control Choice!

What makes Homestead Pest Management the best choice in West TN pest control?  Let’s just break it down:

Homestead Pest Management, Inc. was founded in 1976 by Matt & Diane Markowski, and it is still owned and operated by the Markowski family. It is currently owned by their son David Markowski and their daughter Donna Tyler.  Their son-in-law, Charles Moore, is also our Pest Control Manager.

Homestead Pest Management uses the latest techniques to eliminate pests, including using baits and low odor liquids. We were the first company in this area approved to use termite baiting systems,  and we strive to always use products that will have the least amount of impact on the environment. All of the technicians employed by Homestead Pest Management are state certified and undergo continuous training to stay on top of the newest techniques and developments in our field.

Matt Markowski was instrumental in forming the Local Pest Control Association, serving as its First President. He also served the Tennessee Pest Control Association as a Director, President and Committee Chairman. Diane Markowski has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Local Pest Control Association and has also served the Tennessee Pest Control Association as President, Director and Parliamentarian. She has additionally served as Director and Committee Chairperson with the National Pest Management Association. David Markowski has been President of the Local Pest Control Association and President of the Tennessee Pest Control Association. Donna Tyler is currently Secretary/Treasurer of the Local Pest Control Association.

Let Homestead Pest Management, Inc. demonstrate our expertise and commitment to West TN by assessing your home and property and providing you with a customized plan of attack that consists of both extermination and maintenance, as needed.  Contact us today, and let us take care of all your pest control needs!

Let Homestead Pest Management Take Care of All your Pest Problems!

Bugs of all types are not the only issues that homeowners face in trying to care for their property. Mosquito control, moisture control, and rodent control are a few of the other services we provide to our West TN customer base.  Homestead Pest Management of West TN is pleased to offer these other services to assist you in your home-maintenance endeavors.

For more information on these other services, click here, or contact us to begin making your customized plan of attack for your home-care concerns.

Merry Christmas!!

‘Tis the season to be Jolly and that we definitely are! We have a lot to be grateful for this year and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your preference and friendship over the years. Thank you for sharing these special moments with us and for allowing us to serve you!

We send you blessings, love, joy, peace and prosperity during this holiday season and beyond. May you always be surrounded with good friends, loving family and happy times!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Don’t Let Scary Spiders Ruin Your West TN Halloween!

Most people are at least a little bit scared of spiders, and why not? We think of the deadly black widows, the movie-worthy tarantulas, and the soldier-scaring camel spiders, and we see eight-legged little monsters. Add to that the facts that hey are silent, sneaky, creepy-crawlies that are hard to avoid in the woods, hard to find when you walk through their webs, and hard to stop from coming into your house. They are masters of the ambush and skilled at camouflage. Scary!!

While, admittedly, many species of spiders are helpful in that they help control insect populations, there are also those that are harmful to people and pets. Take the brown recluse spider, for example: this spider lives in dark corners and places inside houses, between books on bookshelves, under furniture, and in boxes or bags that are in dark, dry places. Though not usually overly aggressive, humans do get bit fairly frequently by brown recluses because they share the same habitat, and the arachnid is often not easily seen.

If you have seen spiders in your home or on you property, and you’d like to not just get rid of those that are there, but to also take preventative action, let our Homestead Pest Management team come to your West TN home or property, assess the level of the problem you have, and prescribe a course of action that best meets your needs. No contract required! Contact us today!

Tips for Taming Fall and Winter Pests

Fall and winter bring temperatures that, while keeping many insects at bay, bring larger mammalian rodents like squirrels and rats out of the cold looking for warmer climes.  They are happy to set up a new residence inside your home or other properties.  According to BusinessInsider.com:


“’Rodents invade an estimated 21 million homes in the United States every winter,’ says Missy Henriksen, an NPMA spokesperson. ‘But with many places already experiencing cold weather conditions, it is important to be proactive and vigilant in preventing these pests from becoming unwelcome houseguests.’


These little punks are not coming to sing you carols.


Rodents carry all sorts of nasty diseases, like Salmonella and Hantavirus and can chew straight through wallboards and electrical wiring.


If you don’t want to blow your holiday savings on bug busters, check out the NPMA’s tips on simple, affordable ways to keep your home pest-free this winter:


·        Store items in boxes and plastic sealed containers, rather than cardboard boxes.
·        Keep food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly.
·        Install screens over chimney vents and openings.
·        Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home, including areas where utilities and pipes enter the home.
·        Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around basement foundation and windows.
·        Install gutters or diverts to channel water away from your home.
·        Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home and five feet off the ground.
·        Inspect wires, insulation and walls for any signs of gnaw marks.


If you find rodent feces, hear sounds of scurrying in the walls or observe other signs of an infestation, contact a licensed pest professional” like Homestead Pest Management of West TN.



HPM is here to help you evaluate the extent of your pest issues, rid your West TN home and property of any infestations, and maintain a pest-free environment with ongoing routine and scheduled service.  Contact us today for more information about all our pest control services in West TN!

The Bugs of Fall

Fall is upon us, and the unique challenges it presents with regards to pest control in West TN are upon us, too.  Homestead Pest Management is here, too, to help meet those challenges head on!

Lorene Bartos, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Educator, has this to say about dealing with the bugs of fall.

“Fall is here. Now is the time to look around the home and do fall maintenance. By doing this you will help with the problem of the little insect creatures finding their way into the home.

“All animals struggle to survive in winter, so during the fall insects and arthropods will crawl in the cracks and crevices of homes to keep living. If a house is not sealed well, insects have a lot of space available to hibernate in during the winter.

“The best prevention method is to seal all cracks and crevices around the home with materials such as caulk and expandable foam. Door sweeps are used to create a weatherproof seal at the bottom of a door, but they also work well to keep pests from crawling inside.

“The effectiveness of chemical sprays is limited because today’s products aren’t long lasting. Some crawling pests, such as millipedes and spiders, aren’t greatly affected by sprays. Some pests, such as flies, ladybird beetles or boxelder bugs, fly and avoid perimeter sprays.

“Some common insects that enter homes include ground-dwelling insects and arthropods, such as spiders, crickets and sometimes millipedes. Other insects can enter higher up. These include boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles and cluster flies. Flies can come into a house through cracks in siding or windows in upper or attic areas.

“Sticky traps or glue boards are a great way to passively catch spiders or crickets. The glue boards are completely non-toxic. Spiders and crickets tend to go toward dark areas, so place the glue boards in dark corners.

“The problem with other insects, such as the boxelder bug, is once they are inside a wall, nothing can be done about them. Boxelder bugs, flies and Asian lady beetles warm up inside of walls during this time, and when the weather becomes cooler they will venture out of walls into a home. Once these pests are in the walls, there aren’t many good options because walls can’t be treated.

“Another insect that can be a problem in the fall is the fruit fly. They can come inside when people bring ripe tomatoes and other garden produce into the kitchen. If the produce is ripe, it may have fruit fly maggots in it. Over time, an infestation may begin in a kitchen. Fruit flies are small, honey colored and have red or orange eyes.

“First make sure to get rid of the source of the flies. Get rid of any overripe fruits or vegetables or put them in a refrigerator. Make sure to check onions and potatoes — they are often overlooked. Once the source is eliminated, get rid of the remaining fruit flies by making a yeast trap. This yeast trap, made from yeast, warm water and sugar, creates carbon dioxide, which attracts fruit flies. It is simple to make and costs hardly anything. Find directions for making this fruit fly trap at: https://lancaster.unl.edu/pest

“The bottom line to prevent fall-invading insects is to take the time to seal all cracks and crevices. It will save a lot of energy and prevent insects from entering a home. If done diligently, it will save a lot of problems.”

Homestead Pest Management of West TN can help you assess the current state of your home and property, and can assist you by developing a comprehensive plan of attack for ridding your home of unwanted pests and then maintaining its protection going forward. Contact us today for information about our services and to schedule  a home assessment!

Don’t “Fall” for Imitators – Call Homestead Pest Management for Your West TN Pest Control Solution!

When you call Homestead Pest Management we listen to your problem and prescribe a treatment that will fit your individual needs after a thorough property inspection. We suggest the most beneficial service for your needs without overcharging for additional services you don’t need, because we feel that you should only pay for what is necessary to properly protect your property and not what makes us the most money. 
With Homestead Pest Control, you have multiple options for Pest Control including:

  • One-Time Service Visits
  • Monthly Service Visits
  • Bi-Monthly Service Visits
  • Quarterly Service Visits
  • Inside Only Treatments
  • Outside Only Treatments
  • And MORE!

At Homestead Pest Management, we live with our families in West Tennessee and understand that times are hard for everyone. For that reason, we do not hold our fellow residents to a binding contract. If you need to cancel at any time, you can, and we will still be here for you when conditions improve.

Homestead Pest Management can take care of all your pest control needs whether it be roaches, ants, termites, mosquitoes, spiders or anything else that’s bugging you. Contact us today to schedule a complete individualized assessment of your home and property.


Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of any warm-blooded body. The most common species is the cat flea, which often feasts on cats, dogs and humans.


Fleas can live for about 100 days during which time the females produce 400-500 offspring. Fleas transport themselves on rodents and other mammals, and usually remain on their hosts at all times. These pests use their powerful legs to jump as high as 8″ vertically, which is 150 times their own height. If humans could do this, we would be able to leap over skyscrapers.


Fleas infest both household pets and wild animals like opossums, raccoons and skunks. They can also be found on shoes, pant legs or blankets, which can transfer the fleas to new environments.


Fleas are the most common transmitter of the rare Bubonic plague. They also transmit the bacterial disease murine typhus to humans through infected rats. Their saliva can cause serious flea allergy dermatitis in pets and their debris has been reported to cause similar allergic reactions in humans. Fleas can also transfer tapeworms and cause anemia in pets, which is why active flea management is an important component of pet care. Flea bites commonly cause painful, itchy red bumps.

At Homestead Pest Managment, we can help you to identify your flea problem, its source, and a plan for getting rid of it.  Contact us today for more information about our West TN pest control services and to schedule a personalized assessment.

Homestead Pest Control of West TN

What makes Homestead Pest Management the best choice in West TN pest control?  Let’s just break it down:

Homestead Pest Management, Inc. was founded in 1976 by Matt & Diane Markowski, and it is still owned and operated by the Markowski family. It is currently owned by their son David Markowski and their daughter Donna Tyler.  Their son-in-law, Charles Moore, is also our Pest Control Manager.

Homestead Pest Management uses the latest techniques to eliminate pests, including using baits and low odor liquids. We were the first company in this area approved to use termite baiting systems,  and we strive to always use products that will have the least amount of impact on the environment. All of the technicians employed by Homestead Pest Management are state certified and undergo continuous training to stay on top of the newest techniques and developments in our field.

Matt Markowski was instrumental in forming the Local Pest Control Association, serving as its First President. He also served the Tennessee Pest Control Association as a Director, President and Committee Chairman. Diane Markowski has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Local Pest Control Association and has also served the Tennessee Pest Control Association as President, Director and Parliamentarian. She has additionally served as Director and Committee Chairperson with the National Pest Management Association. David Markowski has been President of the Local Pest Control Association and President of the Tennessee Pest Control Association. Donna Tyler is currently Secretary/Treasurer of the Local Pest Control Association.

Let Homestead Pest Management, Inc. demonstrate our expertise and commitment to West TN by assessing your home and property and providing you with a customized plan of attack that consists of both extermination and maintenance, as needed.  Contact us today, and let us take care of all your pest control needs!