Why choose HPM for your West TN Pest Control Needs?
Why choose HPM? Because only the best locally-owned, locally-founded pest control service will do!
Homestead Pest Management, Inc. was founded in 1976 by Matt & Diane Markowski and is still owned and operated by the Markowski family. It is currently owned by their son David Markowski and their daughter Donna Tyler. Also their Son-in-Law Charles Moore is the Pest Control Manager.
Homestead Pest Management uses the latest techniques to eliminate pests, including using baits and low odor liquids. They were the first company in this area approved to use termite baiting systems and strive to always use products that will have the least amount of impact on the environment. All of the technicians employed by Homestead Pest Management are State Certified and undergo continuous training to stay on top of the newest techniques and developments in our field.
Matt Markowski was instrumental in forming the Local Pest Control Association, serving as its First President. He also served the Tennessee Pest Control Association as a Director, President and Committee Chairman. Diane Markowski has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and President of the Local Pest Control Association and has also served the Tennessee Pest Control Association as President, Director and Parliamentarian. She has additionally served as Director and Committee Chairperson with the National Pest Management Association. David Markowski has been President of the Local Pest Control Association and President of the Tennessee Pest Control Association. Donna Tyler is currently Secretary/Treasurer of the Local Pest Control Association.
Contact us today for a personalized assessment of your home and property!